Monday, May 7, 2012

Tiki Review- The Avengers

Wednesday night, I got to see an advanced screening of The Avengers. This movie does not fail to live up to it's hype. Sometimes, you look forward to one of these summer blockbusters, but they just don't come through in the end. Honestly, this movie is so over-hyped, I was fearful that it would fall short. I was wrong! I'm gonna race through this one quickly because I don't want to spoil any of the plot. And let's be real, if I said the movie sucked, you'd go see it anyway.

Basically, Loki, Thor's brother, is looking to enslave the human race by using the power of the Tesseract. He travels to earth, gets a hold of the powerful Tesseract, takes a few mental hostages with him, and takes off to make good on his plans. Given the severity of the situation, Nick Fury decides to use S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Avengers initiative to stop Loki was taking over. One by one, we see each of the characters make their entrance into the film.

The movie stars Robert Downey Jr.,Chris Evens, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleson, and Cobie Smulders. The cast is star studded, and it works. Sometimes, you see a cast go over the top, and it more or less consists of actors fighting for face time, and trying to one up each other. This wasn't the case at all, in fact they had some of the best chemistry of any movie I have ever seen. Cobie Smulders was a pleasant addition to the movie. I've got to say though, she seems to make it out of every life threatening situation in the film. You literally see rooms of people wiped out, but Aunt Robin lives to fight another day. Looking back on it, I don't mind that much.

The story is fun and entertaining, and the comedy was fantastic. I had heard that other screenings had to be shown twice, because people laughed through so much of the story. I kind of thought that was a load of garbage, but honestly, I have to see it again. Not only because I enjoyed it that much, but because I missed a lot of dialog. The special effects were incredible, for the most part. If you are going to see this movie, make sure it's in 3D or IMAX. You don't want to see this one on a tiny screen.

Now, I said the special effects were great for the most part. There were a few places where it was really weak, almost to the point where you are taken out of the movie. Towards the end of the movie, Loki is riding, what I can only describe as a flying galactic motorcycle of war. The green screen behind him is horrible. I mean, it's really REALLY bad. If you have ever seen Harold and Kumar, you remember when the boys are riding that cheetah through the woods? It's THAT bad.

Through it all, the movie is still a lot of fun. The 3D is great, the characters are fun, and there's a nice balance of comedy, action, and tension. I would have seen it again even if I had heard every bit of dialog. And Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner was excellent casting! This one will be a "wait-outside-of-Best-Buy-for-the-Blu-Ray" the day it comes out for purchase. I'm giving this movie 4 Tikis!

 Check this movie out! I think you'll really get a kick out of it. I will say this though, make sure you watch the other films before you see this one. There are certain plot lines that may be over your head if you haven't seen the other films leading up to this. This one took in over a half a billion dollars during it's opening weekend, so my suggestion to you is give it a week or two, let the crowds die down a bit, and then check this one out. It isn't going anywhere anytime soon, and you will enjoy it more if you are actually able to focus on it.


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