Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mr. Croft, meet B.O.B.

Sean Croft with B.O.B., 4/18/12
Good Afternoon All.

Well I suppose it's time I jump on the blogging bandwagon. Funny though, I actually created this blog a year ago. I had written a movie review for The Green Lantern, and I had talked about how much I liked the film. Then I saw the critic reviews and the fan reactions, and I decided to put it to bed for a while. Then, I more or less forgot about it. Maybe one day, I will explain why I actually liked Green Lantern, but until then, let me tell you the story of how I met B.O.B.

WBLI hosted a "Lunch With B.O.B." yesterday. I've attended a few of these events before, and have been pleasantly surprised with how nice each of the artists are. One of the best experiences I ever had was when I met Meatloaf. Everyone saw on "Celebrity Apprentice" just how much he cared about his charity, The Painted Turtle, and about people in general. We had a woman at the meet and greet who had been severely paralyzed following a stroke. Meat was her favorite singer. I'm not kidding you when I say that he must have spent 10 minutes with her exclusively after everyone else had left. He not only signed a number of autographs, but he stayed to take some pictures with her, and then surprised her with tickets to his show later that summer at Jones Beach.

 The misconception about celebrities is that they are all stuck up, and have no interest in being around their fans. This, at least in my experiences, could not be farther from the truth, especially in the case of B.O.B. I'm not kidding, this guy was a class act. He walked in the room and immediately started saying hello to people and thanking for being there. Syke did a great job hosting, and B.O.B. was a good sport about answering every question thrown his way, and has a fantastic sense of humor.

He performed a few songs off his new album, Strange Clouds, due out May 1st (check back here later that day for a review). After the show, he stuck around to sign an autograph and take a picture with every person there. The nice thing was that he never seemed to rush people through. He actually took the time to say thank you and engage them in a small conversation. He even signed a few autographs for people to take home to family and friends.

I was one of the last people to meet him. When he met me, he shook my hand and introduced himself. I introduced myself back and told him it was great to meet him. He answered with, "Hey man, the pleasure is all mine." We took the picture, thanked each other again, shook hands, and went on our merry way. He stuck around to talk to some people, and I went back to work.

His performance was excellent, and I am definitely buying this album. He impressed me when he said that the one word that could describe this album was "diversity". I think it's important to keep that in music. The songs he performed were beach-like and reminded me of summer. This, as you all know, is right up my alley. Then you hear something like "So Good", his newest single, and it has a completely different feeling from the stuff we heard yesterday. I love albums that take you on that roller coaster ride, and I have the feeling that this one won't disappoint. 


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